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About French AssurTech

Created in 2018, French AssurTech regroups 8 leading insurance companies to support the development of startups and to redefine tomorrow’s insurance. French AssurTech is a startup accelerator, an experiment lab, an innovation acculturation campus, as well as an event organizer.


Alexandre Jeanney is the Director of French AssurTech. His role is to lead and pilot the board of directors, to guide major partners and startups, and to manage the 4 modules that define French AssurTech.


Alexandre Jeanney
Director of French AssurTech

The needs of French AssurTech

   “French AssurTech has 3 challenges:

   - To lead the insurance groups with their innovation approach. We need to guide the C-levels with their needs, meaning identifying with them what their ultimate innovation needs actually are.

   - To go find the startups, and the partners in a broad meaning, that can take part in value creation.

   - To support all the startups that enter our acceleration program.


   Between 2018 and 2020, the most important thing for us was to provide guidance to our startups in order for them to be as mature as possible in order to collaborate with large insurance companies. That was our leitmotiv. So we had an entire package there to create value for these big groups.


With Klein Blue, it is easier today to bring inputs to ExCos

Alexandre Jeanney
Director of French AssurTech

   In 2020, we started assessing ourselves. We told ourselves “We know how to guide startups, how to accelerate startups, there is one element however where we don’t focus enough: it’s to be near those that have a need. Close to the big groups”. We thus started looking for a partner capable of supporting us on that entire upstream part of our acceleration program”.

The Klein Blue Solution

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discover all the power Klein Blue can offer

   “We launched a call for bid in 2020, to which twelve big acceleration actors answered, and we chose Klein Blue, that has been with us ever since.

  We needed a true market expert to support us.

  We needed a partner that could go and prompt the needs, go and identify the needs within the executive teams. Which also means to raise their awareness and, in some cases, to identify for them what their potential innovation needs might be, and what is currently happening on the markets.

  And there was also a need regarding the sourcing of startups.

  For all these reasons, we chose Klein Blue.”

Klein Blue's impact

To understand, identify and challenge the needs of ExCos

   “With Klein Blue, it’s easier today to bring inputs to ExCos when we ask them about their innovation needs. We bring an entire range of market use-cases, of market stakes, and this is a huge added-value.

  Klein Blue is also able to challenge the needs from these Excos. To challenge on the urgency, on the need to act now, on the potential earnings from these needs.”

A pro-active startup sourcing

   “Another major asset, today, is indeed the proactive sourcing of startups. At a European level. It truly is something Klein Blue can do on a daily basis.”

Klein Blue, the expert

   “To challenge, one must be a true expert on the matter. An important added-value from Klein Blue is its expertise on the insurtech market.

  They also have a very precise understanding of interrelated sectors such as the ones of Fintech and Healthtech: two markets that we need to work on more and more due to their link with the insurance industry. This triple expertise from Klein Blue, is a true daily asset when we want to leadinvolve health departments, finance departments, insurance business departments.”

Discovering new horizons with Klein Blue

   “The fact that we want so far with a partner like Klein Blue allowed us to identify a new level of needs even more important, and that’s something we would not have been able to even dream of just a few years ago.

  Three years ago, we did not have that level of maturity. We hadn’t gone far enough in our processes. Today, thanks to the Klein Blue partnership, we went much further up. We answered a lot more needs and thus, have created new ones, which makes us predict even more interesting years to come.”

Expertise in the InsurTech sector as well as knowledge of interrelated sectors such as FinTech and HealthTech are important assets of Klein Blue.


Alexandre Jeanney
Director of French AssurTech


Want to find out how Klein Blue can help you with your innovation strategy?

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How Klein Blue identifies and challenges the innovation needs of ExCos from insurance companies part of French AssurTech.

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